Sunday, 8 April 2012

A very simple Blackjack game [C++]

Here's another of my creations, this time a very, very simple Blackjack game that doesn't even have an opponent to play against. But it took me quite a while. C++ sure is a hard language. Here's the code and of course an image to demonstrate what it does.


using namespace std;

// Global Variables //

char *card_num[] = {"2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","Jack","Queen","King","Ace"};
char *card_type[] = {"Clubs","Diamonds","Spades","Hearts"};

// Structures //

struct cardtype {
    int color;
    int number;
    int value;

struct decktype {
    bool deck[52];
    int size;

// Functions //

void SeedRandom() {
    time_t tTime;

struct cardtype PickACard(struct decktype &deck) {
    struct cardtype card;
    int randnum = (int) (1.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1) * deck.size);
    int counter = 0;
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<52; ++i) {
        if (deck.deck[i] == true) {
        if (counter == randnum+1) {
    deck.deck[i] = false;
    card.number = i / 4;
    card.color = i % 4;
    if (card.number == 10 || card.number == 11) {
        card.value = 10;
    } else if (card.number == 9) {
        card.value = 1;
    } else if (card.number == 12) {
        card.value = 11;
    } else {
        card.value = card.number + 2;
    return card;

struct decktype DeckInit() {
    struct decktype deck;
    deck.size = 52;
    for (int i=0; i<52; ++i) {
        deck.deck[i] = true;
    return deck;

char *TextCard(struct cardtype &card) {
    char *str = (char *) malloc (22 * sizeof(char));
    sprintf(str,"%s of %s (%d)",card_num[card.number],card_type[card.color],card.value);
    return str;

// Main //

void main() {

    bool IsGameOver = false;
    char WantCard;

    int totalvalue = 0;

    cout << "Welcome to blackjack!" << endl;
    struct decktype deck = DeckInit();

    while (!IsGameOver) {
        bool ValidChoice = false;
        while (!ValidChoice) {
            cout << "Do you want a card? (Y)es / (N)o" << endl;
            cin >> WantCard;
            if (WantCard == 'Y') {
                struct cardtype card = PickACard(deck);
                totalvalue += card.value;
                cout << "You received a " << TextCard(card) << ", current total value at " << totalvalue << "." << endl;
                if (totalvalue > 21) {
                    cout << "Sorry, you have exceeded 21 points and thus lost!" << endl;
                    IsGameOver = true;
                if (totalvalue == 21) {
                    cout << "Congratulations, you have won!" << endl;
                    IsGameOver = true;
                ValidChoice = true;
            } else if (WantCard == 'N') {
                cout << "You stopped prematurely, and since there isn't an opponent, you won :)" << endl;
                ValidChoice = true;
                IsGameOver = true;
            } else {
                cout << "Invalid choice, please try again";

    cout << "The game is over now, thanks for playing!" << endl;



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